Tag Archives: miniatures

Return of the Je-DICE: An entire Imperial Assault campaign – Episode 1

ImpAss Diary Header Final


Episode I: Aftermath

**Spoiler alert! You’ll find Imperial Assault is full of surprises, which will invariably be ruined for you to some degree if you read along with our campaign. But! If you’re thinking about buying it, chances are you’ll end up taking control of the Empire side anyway, in which case you’re in control of all the secrets regardless. That said, read on!
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Return of the Je-DICE: An entire Imperial Assault campaign – intro


ImpAss Diary Header Final“I’ve made an impulsive decision.”

That was it – the moment a few weeks back when my friend Alex messaged me to tell me that he’d done it: coughed up the not-insignificant chunk of cash for a copy of the latest Star Wars board gaming hotness, Imperial Assault. A flurry of texts followed, demanding photos, cooing over plastic AT-STs, bemoaning Byzantine rulebooks and quickly jamming a date in the diary to give it a spin. We’ve not shut up about it since. Continue reading

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Kickstarter: Human Interface – Nakamura Tower

Human Interface Nakamura Tower Board Game | The Boarding Kennel |

I have an uneasy rumbling in my board game waters today, readers, and not just because I polished off the last of the sheep cards from Settlers of Catan for lunch. No, it’s because of the seriously good-looking game launched on Kickstarter today called Human Interface – Nakamura Tower. Yes, really. It’s got the lot – painstakingly-sculpted miniatures, sexy cyberpunk theme, and a unique combination of tactical, skirmish and roleplay games according to designers Postindustrial Games. It’s also within a whisker of hitting its £35,000 Kickstarter goal after just a few hours, with backers dropping upwards of £60 to bag a copy. The problem? We still know barely a thing about how the game plays. Continue reading

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