Tag Archives: card game

News time! Mafia becomes a blockbuster movie (really), Fury of Dracula looms large, plus a Mars double

Mafia filmI can’t really believe I’m writing this, but as of this morning the next big tabletop game film franchise we’re all waiting for with bated breath is no longer Hungry Hungry Hippos. No. Ladies and gentlemen, god bless Mother Russia for taking a tilt at a cinematic blockbuster version of… hidden roles card game Mafia.

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Friday news blast: Pack of Lies is nigh, Heroes of Normandie hits PC, Stegmaier finds last 95 copies of Tuscany Prima in a corner

Sexy orcs

Happy Friday my little board game beauties! No sense wasting time with a loquacious preamble, let’s just get the hell on with it and kick off with:

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Should you buy… Eminent Domain: Microcosm?

Eminent Domain Microcosm

As I write this something truly spectacular is happening in what some scientists call the ‘Solar System’. A tiny, carefully crafted package launched into the freezing blackness of space nine years ago has completed an epic journey to Pluto, whizzing past it at 14km per second and snapping pictures along the way. Smartly designed, small-scale, attempting to achieve something greater than the sum of its parts – surely this can’t be a segue into something about board gameohhh my god here it comes

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Should you buy… Monstrous?

Monstrous board game card game box cover|The Boarding Kennel|Secret Base GamesDiversity in board games has never been stronger. Whether you want to command vast space fleets and get up to the elbows in seven hours of pan-galactic diplomacy, or would rather help a superhero rhino heave his bulk up a surprisingly wobbly building, there’s probably something out there for you. Despite the vast range of creativity on offer, though, there’s still a tendency for certain ideas and mechanics to repeat themselves. Lazily-constructed deckbuilders with pasted-on themes. Middle-of-the-road worker placement games. Zombie miniatures. Oh GOD the zombie miniatures. So amid the temptation to jump on the wagon behind something popular and ride it to the bank, hats off to someone sticking their neck out and trying something different. Welcome to Monstrous, ladies and gentlemen. Continue reading

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Game News: Cheap deals on Amazon ALERT

Cash 'n GunsHappy Monday you lovely people. And happy payday! What better time to get stuck in and take the plunge on that board game you’ve been meaning to bag. Or one you’ve never heard of, but sounds like great fun? Step this way my friends, for the UK arm of small-time online marketplace Amazon is having a sale on a swathe of board games, giving you a cool five pounds off if you spend more than £20. Perfect! There’s a pile of dross in there, though, so let us help divert you towards some golden gaming nuggets.

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Kickstarter: Coup: Rebellion G54


Coup Rebellion G54 board game card game | The Boarding Kennel | Indie Boards and Cards

Coup! Such a nice little word, so pleasant to say. Coup. Coup. Cooooooo. Although hard to think of it as anything but pigeon noise once that’s been crowbarred into your brain by a well-meaning board game review website. Sorry!

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Game News: Coup Mobile is free on the App Store

Coup Board Game Online Mobile| The Boarding Kennel

Free game alert! Petite and punchy hidden roles game Coup has made the jump to mobile thanks to a brand new iOS version from Banana & Co, and I’ve been tucking into it this morning to see if it’s worth the bother. Continue reading

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Should you buy… Mascarade?

Mascarade Board Game Card Game Bruno Faidutti| The Boarding Kennel | Repos ProductionsWay, way back in the prehistoric mists of the year 2000, a man called Bruno Faidutti invented a card game. He called it Citadels, and the people rejoiced, for it let them build pretty little towns while engaging in a battle of bluffs with their friends, using the powers of medieval characters like kings and assassins to help them win the game. About 13 years later, Faidutti realised you could probably ditch the town-building bit and just go all-in on the bluffing, and Mascarade was born.

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Should you buy… Love Letter?

Love Letter Board Game Card Game | The Boarding Kennel | AlderacThe notion that the hot, sultry summer months are a natural aphrodisiac can be traced all the way back to the year 1991, when little-known hip hop duo Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince received a Grammy for their dedicated research into the matter. More than two decades later and their seminal work has yet to be disproved by the wider rap community, leading to the inevitable question – what game should you get your clammy hands on for the dog days, which satisfies the need to bake your body outside while carrying with it the inestimable promise of a febrile carnal encounter? Bestill your beating heart, dear reader, for the answer to your urges lies in the velvety pouch of Love Letter.

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Netrunner Order and Chaos Board Game Card Game| The Boarding Kennel | Fantasy Flight GamesPart Three of a feature looking at some of the ace new Netrunner cards just released in the Order and Chaos big box. With tournament day looming, discover what made the cut into my final Anarch and Weyland decks, and try to work out which parts were sure gambles and which were utter trash.

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